
SvgLab app privacy statement

SvgLab Privacy Statement

This is a privacy policy for our windows store app :

SvgLab will protect the user's privacy, not access any personal information or data without user's permission/operation. Our app will not collect/use any personal data or information without user's permission. During using, there will be access to the user's picture library and documents, these all operations are in the user permission and operation, and only for user's using in our app, our application will not collect/use any personal data or information.    



 SvgLab 隐私声明 

这是我们的 Windows Store 应用的隐私政策:




Other Hints

Windows Store app has very very strict limitaion, apps can only access files in some strict limited locations (like  Music/Videos Libraries, but have to declare capabilities in appxmanifest, they are listed on the store download page, downloading also means user allow them)  directly, and they run in sandbox, so they are much safer than desktop applications.

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